PRINT ISSN 0918-6158 ONLINE ISSN 1347-5215 |
 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ) has been devoted to promoting the pharmaceutical sciences since its establishment in 1880. The PSJ launched its official journal, the Yakugaku Zasshi, in Japanese in 1881, and the English-language Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 1953. The Pharmaceutical Bulletin continued as the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin from 1958 through 2011. The Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics, which started publication in 1978, was succeeded by the Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin from 1993 through 2011. The Journal of Health Science (JHS) originated from the Kousyuu-Eisei Nenpou (Annual reports of the Public Health Division of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan) in 1953 and was succeeded by the JHS (1999–2011) through Eiseikagaku (Journal of Hygienic Chemistry; Japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health) (1956–1998). The PSJ has decided to reorganize its journal systems to provide research-related information more efficiently and to showcase the latest achievements in the pharmaceutical sciences, which continue to expand rapidly in scope and scale. Under a unified editorial system, PSJ journals started to be published from January 2012 as the new Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (BPB) and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (CPB), both in English, with Yakugaku Zasshi as a Japanese-language journal. Most of the fields and subjects published previously in the JHS continue in the BPB, and some are taken over by the CPB.

The BPB covers various biological topics in the pharmaceutical and health sciences fields including scientific research from basic to clinical studies, while CPB deals with a wide range of chemical topics in the pharmaceutical and health sciences fields related to biologically active compounds, natural products, and medicines. For details of their respective scopes, please refer to the submission topic categories below.

Organic chemistry
In silico science
Inorganic chemistry
Health statistics
Forensic science
Clinical pharmacotherapy |
Medicinal chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Physical pharmacy
Natural product chemistry
Environmental science
Molecular and cellular biology
Biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics
Pharmaceutical education |
Chemical biology
Physical chemistry
Pharmaceutical engineering
Regulatory science
Immunology and microbiology
Clinical pharmacy
Miscellaneous |
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©1999- The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.